Resources we support & love

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Here are some people & orgs working for reproductive freedom for all.

*Pittsburgh specific resources listed at the bottom*

Find a real abortion clinic:

  • ineedana: built by people who’ve had abortions for people who will, launched in 2016 as the first comprehensive, regularly updated, and personalized resource for abortion seekers in the US.

  • abortion finder: features the most comprehensive directory of trusted (and verified) abortion service providers and assistance resources in the United States.

Get help accessing abortion: there are many barriers to abortion access in the USA. Abortion funds can help folks break down those barriers to ensure you get the care you need and deserve.

  • National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF) is where you can find both local and national abortion funds. Abortion funds help folks overcome any barriers to abortion access, including cost/childcare/travel/etc. You can also support abortion funds by becoming making a donation and becoming an individual member (you’ll also get a really lovely tshirt!)

  • Indigenous Women Rising is committed to honoring Native & Indigenous People’s inherent right to equitable and culturally safe health options through accessible health education, resources and advocacy.

  • The Brigid Alliance is a referral-based service that provides people seeking abortions with travel, food, lodging, child care and other logistical support:

Self Managed Abortion (SMA)

If you decide to have an abortion on your own terms at home instead of a clinic, you have options! (get pills/ legal info/ protocol/ support during the process/etc):

  • Plan C Pills: At Plan C, we envision a world in which the ability to end an early pregnancy is in the hands of the person who needs it most. They have a ton of information about SMA and where + how to get pills, including reviews of telehealth/online pharmacies and information about connecting to community networks that have free medication.

  • Repro Legal Helpline : reach a free, confidential helpline staffed by lawyers. Here you can get information about your legal rights regarding abortion in general & SMA. They can give you clear, understandable answers about legal rights, what the laws are in your state, and how they have been used.

  • SASS: Self-managed Abortion; Safe and Supported (SASS): The primary goal of SASS is to provide information and support to women in the USA around self managed abortion, to reduce any negative health impact associated with unsafe abortion methods, and to ensure that self-managed abortions are medically and legally as safe as possible.

  • Aid Access: you can purchase Mifepristone + Misoprostol to use either now or in the future.

Share / read abortion stories:

Talk to someone / emotional support:

  • All Options Talkline is a great option if you are pregnant and unsure how you feel or what to do next, or you want to talk about a past or current experience with abortion, adoption, parenting, infertility or pregnancy loss.

  • Faith Aloud is where you can speak to a non judgemental member of your faith background about abortion.

Books, zines, podcasts:

Birth Control / Period Tracking / Emergency Contraception:

  • Choosing/comparing birth control options: Besider.

  • Period tracking: Euki takes privacy seriously. They do not store any of the information you enter into the app in the cloud or anywhere else—only YOU have access to it. You can even set up a personal pin that is not tied to your email or phone number as an additional level of security.

  • Information about plan b: There is sometimes confusion about the difference between abortion and emergency contraception. If a condom breaks, there’s a mess up in birth control, or a sexual assault occurs and there’s the possibility that a pregnancy could happen, you can get EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION (also known as Plan B or the morning after pill). It’s not an abortion, so it won’t work if you’re already pregnant. There are multiple brands and you can almost always get it for discount or free. We always have emergency contraception for free. Just send us an email or text or DM. You can purchase over the counter (OTC) at a pharmacy. If you have Medicaid or insurance that will cover it, and it’s a good idea to just get a Rx for it at your next appointment so you have it around (for yourself or a friend). Medicaid it’s free. Many brands decrease in effectiveness as time goes by, but in general you have up to 3-5 days after the “incident” to take it (the sooner the better). Ella is a brand that does not decrease in effectiveness over time. For those who weigh over 176, Plan B may not be as effective. The copper IUD (Paragard) is an emergency contraception option for all sizes of bodies, up to 5 days after the possible pregnancy encounter.

Additional resources

Pittsburgh Specific Resources: this section needs updated, organized, & there are many more I have in my brain to add. Coming soon!!

  • Abortion Defense Committee

  • Western PA Fund for Choice ensures that money is not a barrier to accessing abortion care.

  • Allegheny Reproductive Health Center ARHC’s mission is to deliver fearless, judgment-free healthcare that is imbued with empathy and respect. We offer specialized obstetric and gynecological care, abortion care, in-office and in-hospital surgical procedures, options counseling, services specialized to the LGBTQIA+ community, and the option for sedation for any services you need. Our approach to healthcare centers our patients’ choices and autonomy, and we take time to provide each patient the support they need to reach their health goals safely.

  • Planned Parenthood of Western PA: they provide general reproductive healthcare services, including abortion.

  • Pittsburgh Abortion Access Network

  • Abortion Forever

  • SCAN

  • Tristate Abortion Action

  • Black Anarchist Community Council

  • Filler PGH

  • New Voices for Reproductive Justice is “building a social change movement dedicated to the health and well-being of Black women and girls through leadership development, Human Rights and Reproductive Justice”.

  • Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR) has been serving the Pittsburgh community for 50 years through advocacy, counseling, prevention and education.

  • Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh is more than an emergency shelter for adults experiencing domestic violence and their children. We are a safe harbor that provides specialized care and support for survivors who have experienced all types of intimate partner violence from physical to emotional through Support Groups, Legal Advocacy, Hotline Services, a Children’s Advocacy Program, and more.

  • Expose Fake Clinics works to educate and take action against Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs) posing as abortion clinics.

  • SisTers PGH is a BLACK and TRANS led non-profit organization that serves QTBIPOC (Queer Trans Black Indigenous People of Color) trans, and nonbinary people within Southwestern PA.

  • Prototype Pgh Our mission is to build gender and racial equity in tech and entrepreneurship by providing affordable access to high tech tools and equipment, offering workshops that center the experiences of women and underestimated communities, and cultivating a professional support network.

  • Allies Health + Wellbeing provides integrated medical care, supportive human services, and community-based education for members of the Pittsburgh community.

  • The Midwife Center is western PA’s only freestanding birth center offering primary gynecological, prenatal, and childbirth care.

  • Prevention Point Pittsburgh is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing health empowerment services to people who use drugs.

  • The Big Idea Bookstore is an anarchist collective that provides space for exploring radical ideas and putting them into action. We practice anti-capitalist, nonbinary, anti-oppressive, and intersectional values and promote them through books, events, and conversations. We aim to foster a culture of resistance and mutual aid that celebrates individual and collective autonomy. We carry new & used books, pins, patches, posters, stickers, notebooks, greeting cards, pstyles, moon cups, games, and zines. We also offer a small café and free Wi-Fi.

  • Margo Van Hoy is a full spectrum doula with specific certifications in abortion support and loss and grief companionship. She has been using her skills as a doula since 2013 to support her community and continues to learn to better help pregnant and birthing people find information and make informed choices about their bodies. Contact her at

  • More below, will add link soon!

  • True T Pittsburgh

  • Unity Recovery

  • Food Not Bombs


  • Black Unicorn Library

  • MeTamorphasis

  • Trust Your Wings Books

  • Transitional Characters therapy practice